Monday, August 9, 2010

HOPE Launching - Dec 5, 2009

Haven fOr Parents with spEcial children (HOPE), support group.

Support group for parents with special children. In coordination with the Pastoral Care Ministry of the Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Parish, Valenzuela City, Philippines.

For further informations, you may contact Atty. Bing Javier-Inanuran, (02) 292-5782 or email at,

Taken during the launching of Haven fOr Parents with spEcial children (HOPE), support group on Dec 5, 2009 at the Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Parish, Valenzuela City, Philippines

Atty. Bing Javier-Inanuran (Left), Jeffrey Yu (Center), Beth Javier-Magturo (Right).

Rev. Fr. Vicente B. Manlapig (Left), Atty. Bing Javier-Inanuran (Center) during the awarding of certificate of appreciation to Father Luke Mortgart (Right), as the guest speaker for the launching of Haven fOr Parents with spEcial children (HOPE), support group.

An Ode to Special Parents

Being parents of a special child taught us a lot
As we journey with him, isolated in his impenetrable and silent world..
Believing God loves him more than we do,
And our dreams for him is just a second best in the eyes of God.

Being parents of a special child.
Can bring one to places; It can bring one to the breaking point.
But it brought us to our knees, as we learned to trust in providence.
In our impatience we learned to humbly wait.
And it is hardest when one doesn’t know when the prayer will be answered.

Though some may laugh and others may be indifferent,
To the deep disappointments and dreams lost with the advent of a special child,
We learned to love and accept him in his uniqueness.
We learned that acceptance must first come from us
Before our son learns to accept himself, before others can accept him as well.

Some may not understand how hard it is for a child not to belong
To be broken from rejection, simply for being different.
And harder still for parents to see their child
Labeled, ridiculed and rejected for something not of his own doing.

We learned to be strong; to champion for our child’s rights:
To be accepted and respected for what he is.
All he needs is a chance to be the best that he can be.

We learned to be grateful to people who shared,
supported and accepted our child
and cheered him on when nothing is left of us.

And lastly, we learned to salute other special parents like us!

Atty. Encebrin E. Javier-Inanuran